Title: เหนือมนุษย์ / Neur Manoot
- Also known as: Beyond Human or The Super Human
- Duration: Episodes 19
- Genre: Drama / Fantasy
- Popularity: First episode Rating: 14.7....End episode Rating: 18.2
- Air time: Fri-Sun @ 8:30PM
- Broadcast network: Channel 7
- Broadcast period: Jan. 8, 2011 - February 20, 2011
- Theme song: "Neua Manoot" Artist Name: Natthew Nat Tewpaingarm
- Director: Narong Punaboot
- Screenwriter: Ratchanee/Katahas
- Company Name: Dara VDO
Title: Sanae Ruk Poot Sao
- Also known as:
- Duration: Episode 22
- Genre: Drama
- Popularity:
- Air time: Monday to Friday
- Broadcast network: Channel 3
- Broadcast period: April 18, 2012 --- May 24, 2012
- Theme song:
Title: แม่เปียดื้อ / Mae Pia Due
- Also known as:
- Genre: Romance/ Comedy
- Air time: Mon-Thurs
- Broadcast network: Channel 3
- Broadcast period: January 3, 2013 ---
- Theme song:
Title:Look Mai Lark See 2012/ลูกไม้หลากสี
- Also known as: The Colorful Laces
- Duration: 20 Episodes
- Genre: Romance/Action
- Air time: Monday & Tuseday
- Broadcast network: Ch.7
- Broadcast period: January 14, 2013 --- March 19, 2013
- Relate to: Look Mai Lark See
- Producer: The Bite
- Directed By: A religious dignitaries Klon socialization.
- Screenwriter: Rapid Eye Technology
credits magazinedee
credits magazinedee
Title: Tong Neu Gao / ทองเนื้อเก้า
- Also known as:
- DVD Phim Thái : Tấm Lòng Vàng Son
- Duration: ?? Episodes
- Genre: Romantic/Drama
- Popularity:
- Air time: 20h30 Mon-Tue
- Broadcast network: Channel 3
- Broadcast period: October 7, 2013
- Producer: Dang Tanya Sophon
- Director: Off Pongpat Wachirabunjong
- Company Name: Act Art
- Title: Khun Por Whan Whaw (คุณพ่อหวานแหวว)
- Also known as: The Girly Father
- Duration: 17 Episodes
- Genre: Drama/Comedy
- Air time: Wednesday - Thursday
- Broadcast network: Channel 7
- Broadcast period: Oct. 13, 2010 - Dec. 8, 2010
credits lisa
credits NYclub
credits postjung
Only Cover for now.
Janie & her husband
credits as tagged
credits magazinedee