Title: Kong Jak Lai Dok Bua กงจักรลายดอกบัว
- Also known as: Circle of Life Khmer title: Kuhng Cong Chak Chea Pka Chuke
- Duration: 15 Episode
- Genre: Drama
- Popularity: low rated
- Air time: 20:30 HR Thailand Time (8:30PM) - Friday&Saturday&Sunday
- Broadcast network: Channel 3
- Broadcast period: May 12, 2007 - June 15, 2007
- Theme song: Opening Title: "Kong Jak Lai Dok Bua" (Circle of Life) Sarunyoo Winaipanith
- Theme song: Ending Title: "Kae Euam" (Only Reach)Thitiporn Thongsri/Sirilak Pongchok
Production Credits
- Producer: Yodsinee Na Nakorn
- Director: YingYod Panya
- Author: Chanowann Wisut
- Screenwriter: "Warintara"
- Company Name: My Show Production Co.,Ltd.